Сhildren Dentistry

Save your children's teeth healthy and beautiful will our children's dentistry in Baku. We employ highly qualified doctors who can find an approach to the child, make the treatment painless and effective.

Specialists Pediatric Dentistry will offer you the most modern methods of prevention of dental and oral, will hold all the necessary treatments (including treatment of caries and bite correction), teach your child proper hygiene, will pick up the necessary funds for it.

Pediatric Dentistry our clinic in Baku - a modern equipment, high-quality materials, the most modern methods of treatment and prevention of dental diseases.

Pediatric Dentistry: treatment of primary teeth in Baku

Adults are well aware how important it is to protect the health of teeth since childhood, how important proper prevention and timely treatment to the doctor. But parents are often the question arises whether to treat milk teeth?

Specialists Pediatric Dentistry Clinic «VADENT» in Baku give a definite answer: decayed baby teeth to treat a must. Their health depends on the health of permanent teeth. In addition, we must remember that dental caries is a hotbed of infection, which can affect other organs. Baby teeth should be treated also in order to prevent disturbance of speech and the formation of malocclusion.

Causes of dental caries of deciduous teeth

One of the main pediatric dentistry is the treatment of dental caries. The main causes of tooth decay in children can be attributed thinner enamel of primary teeth and poor oral hygiene. To this should be added the lack of micronutrients in the diet (especially fluorine), heredity, lowered immunity.

In young children (1.5-2 years) may develop so-called "bottle" tooth decay that affects the surfaces of the front teeth. The most common cause of this type of caries is a violation of the diet (eg, sweet drink for the night).

In older children (2-3 years) caries often develops in fissure (recesses located on the chewing surfaces of the teeth), particularly if a narrow and deep fissures.

Children older than 3 years as a result of poor hygiene and a large consumption of sweet decay may develop on the contact surfaces of the teeth.

Features of treatment of milk teeth

In the treatment of caries, first removes all diseased tissue, and then the tooth is sterilized and closed with a seal. In pediatric dentistry in our clinic using special filling materials having a high "affinity" with the tissue of deciduous teeth, and having in its composition and calcium fluoride, which strengthens teeth.

After treatment, the tooth will be able to exist peacefully until DC.

Treatment is carried out with the use of anesthesia for a child-friendly. In some cases (when the primary and secondary stages of tooth decay) can be used instead of a drill preparation ICON German company DMG. Such treatment without drilling children suffer much easier.

Treatment of pulpitis in children is carried out in the same way as in adults. But we must remember that the pulp in the primary teeth can develop much faster, even without deep caries. The main thing in the treatment of children at the pulpit - to prevent the development of inflammation in the periodontal tissues, where there are the beginnings of permanent teeth. It is also important to use such materials, which will not prevent the resorption of roots of deciduous teeth. Therefore, pediatric dentistry often use a paste that dissolve at the same time with the roots of deciduous teeth.

If periodontitis affects inflammation surrounding the tooth tissue and bone. Periodontitis can cause severe pain and even the temperature can swell cheek. Treatment is aimed at removing the source of inflammation.

Removal of milk teeth

Removal of milk teeth to be those that are the source of infection, when completely destroyed crown, with strong mobility of deciduous teeth, and when permanent teeth begin to erupt.

Removal of milk teeth is performed under local anesthesia. To the child does not feel pain from the injection, first held surface anesthesia using aerosol or gel. Next, a very thin needle is cauterized.

To avoid possible allergies to anesthesia can be performed Allergy test, in which first introduced the minimum dose of the drug.

To keep your child's teeth healthy, you need to visit the dentist every 3-4 months. Keep in mind that dental caries and its complications occur in children very quickly.

Particular attention is required in the period of change of milk teeth permanent (5-7 years to 12-14), when there may be problems with the bite.

Children's Preventive Dentistry

One of the main tasks of pediatric dentistry is the prevention of dental disease and the prevention of pathological changes in the mouth of the child. Our experts will pick up your child prevention methods and help with the selection of hygiene.

Sealing of fissures

One way to prevent caries is fissure sealing. Remains of food that get stuck in the fissures can cause tooth decay. To avoid this, close the fissures with special materials (sealants).

Fluoridation of teeth

Fluoridation of teeth - a method of strengthening the tooth enamel using sodium fluoride. There is a shallow and a deep fluorination method. When shallow fluorination method is carried out at home using a special mouth guard.

Deep fluoridation conducted by a doctor, by combining it with professional dental cleaning procedure.


Silver-teeth has long been used in pediatric dentistry to fight tooth decay. When a small spot on the tooth (initial caries) is applied to a special composition (nitrate), which creates a strong film that prevents tooth decay to develop. With this method, you can not drill a tooth. However, silver does not solve the problem of dental caries (tooth decay does not heal), but only creates an opportunity for the preservation of the affected tissues of the tooth. This method can be applied only in the initial stage of decay even when, for whatever reasons, to conduct treatment using a drill impossible (for example, the child is too small). The procedure itself is painless silvering.

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